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Puerto Rico Youth Symphony Orchestra

The Youth Symphony Orchestra of PR (OSJPR), a unique orchestral training program where young musicians receive advanced level orchestral training through practical experiences that equip them for a musical career and professional life as musicians.

The Puerto Rico Youth Symphony Orchestra is sponsored by the Banco Popular Foundation.

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Fundación Música y País

167 Ave Ponce de León

Fundación BPPR Bldg. 

San Juan, PR 00917

Telephone: +1 787 975 7520

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Fundación Música y País is tax exempt under section 1101.01 (a)2 of the PR Interal Tax code and section 501c(3) of the US IRS. It is also a listed as an ellegible charity in the list of the Comisión Especial Conjunta de Donativos Legilativos para Impacto Comunitario, CECFL (Special Joint Commission of Legislative Funds for Community Impact) 

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